-YMCA of Fredericton Day Camp
Coed Day Camp
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Each summer the YMCA offers a variety of day camp experiences to hundreds of children. Each week these children participate in swimming, gym activities, outdoor play, camp openings, songs, and special events such as games carnivals, corn boils, talent shows, and dance parties.
Children can choose from several different camp themes offered each week. Kiddy Camp, Swim Camp, Sports Camp, and Camp Sufu are offered each week of the summer for ...read more

-ACT NOW!! Drama Camps
Coed Day Camp
Fredericton, New Brunswick
"Act Now!!" isn't just a catchy title, it's a promise! All week your kids will be active - acting, singing and dancing etc. They will finish their week up on stage in a public performance in Friday's finale!
These weeklong sessions offer children and adolescents a chance to experience theatre first hand and actually get up and perform their own creations at the end of a multi-faceted drama program.

-YMCA of Fredericton Day Camp
Coed Day Camp
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Each summer the YMCA offers a variety of day camp experiences to hundreds of children. Each week these children participate in swimming, gym activities, outdoor play, camp openings, songs, and special events such as games carnivals, corn boils, talent shows, and dance parties.
Children can choose from several different camp themes offered each week. Kiddy Camp, Swim Camp, Sports Camp, and Camp Sufu are offered each week of the summer for ...read more