Summer Camps by Camp Type

Camps by Type

  1. Adventure - Travel
  2. Conference and Retreat Centers
  3. Day Camps
  1. Residential Boys' Camps
  2. Residential Coed Camps
  3. Residential Girls' Camps

Summer Camps

Featured Camps

Jam Camp West Residential coed summer camp

Oakland, CA

(510) 858-5313 Website
Camp Killooleet Residential coed summer camp

Hancock, Vermont

617-666-1484 Website
Camp Wiyaka Residential Coed Summer Camp

Richmond, New Hampshire

(978) 249-3305 Website
Tremont Summer Camp in the Smokies Coed residential camp

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Townsend, TN

(865) 448-6709 Website
YMCA Camp Takodah Residential camp with separate sessions for boys and girls

North Swanzey

(603) 352-0447 Website