Theatre Summer Camps: Theatre camps and summer camps with Theatre as a major activity.

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Theatre Summer Camps

Put your child’s inner drama queen or king to good, creative use at a theatre summer camp, where they’ll have the chance to sing, dance, and act to their hearts’ desires. In addition to the performing arts, these camps teach everything related to theatre production, including lighting, props, costumes, and sound.

The blend of performance and instructional opportunities in a theatre summer camp program, musical or otherwise, helps children develop skills they’ll carry through life both on and off the stage. Whether a camper has extensive stage experience, has just been involved in a few skits with friends, or is excited to enter the art world for the first time, theatre summer camps can guide them toward their dreams.

Benefits of Theatre Camps

Attending a theatre camp encourages teamwork. Many of the acting warm-up exercises are improv games where campers must work together to create scenes. Budding techies get to cooperate with instructors and their fellow students on aspects like lighting and props. Kids can also get firsthand experience with learning how to promote a play—for example, creating program covers.

Theatre is also an excellent way to teach young ones the value of compassion and empathy. The simple act of “playing pretend” and stepping into a character’s shoes teaches children the value of learning from other people’s circumstances. A youth theatre camp offers a way for participants to communicate and connect with others. The actors demonstrate and share thoughts and emotions challenging various subjects. For the actor, it is not about becoming another person on stage but being offered a chance to express themselves uniquely.

Search for Theatre Summer Camps

There are different types of summer camps to address the requirements of all young theatre enthusiasts. From day camps to overnight theatre camps, boys’ camps to girls’ camps, and more, there enough kinds of camps to make every fan of theatre comfortable.

CampPage makes it easy to find that perfect camp for your future Oscar or Tony winner. Start searching through our list of theatre camps available in the next summer season.

Featured Camps

Capitol Debate Summer Camps Coed Camp with Residential & Day Camp Sessions

15 locations nationwide

(800) 450-5012 Website
Rockbrook Camp for Girls Residential girls' summer camp

Brevard, North Carolina

(828) 884-6151 Website
Amplify Sleep Away Camp Girls Residential Camp

Ojai, CA

(805) 699-5247 Website
Keystone Camp for Girls Residential girls' summer camp

Brevard, North Carolina

(828) 884-9125 Website
Camp Qwanoes Residential coed summer camp

Vancouver Island, British Columbia (near Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA )

1 (888) 99-Qwanoes Website
School of Creative & Performing Arts Residential coed summer camp

Burlington, VT, New York, NY and Los Angeles, CA

(800) 718-ARTS Website
Frost Valley YMCA Summer Camp & Adventure Trips Residential Coed Camp

Claryville, New York

(845) 985-2291 Website
Pali Adventures Residential coed summer camp

Running Springs, California

(909) 867-5743 Website
Camp Pillsbury Coed residential camp

Owatonna, MN

507-214-2200 Website
Maine Camp Experience Boys, Girls, and Coed Residential Summer Camps

Sebago Lakes Region, Belgrade Lakes Region, and Throughout Maine

877-926-2463 Website
Camp Tanamakoon Residential girls' summer camp

Algonquin Park, Ontario

(905) 338-9464 Website
Tristate area Summer Camps- New Jersey, New York, PennsylvaniaSoutheast Region Summer Camps- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, TennesseeSouth Central Region- Summer Camps in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, TexasMid-Atlantic Region Summer Camps- Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West VirginiaWestern Canada Summer Camps- Alberta, British Columbia,  Northwest Territories, Yukon TerritorySouthwest Region and Hawaii Summer Camps- Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New MexicoNorthwest Region Summer Camps- Alaska, Oregon, WashingtonNew England Summer Camps- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, VermontMountain area Summer Camps- Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, WyomingMidwest Region Summer Camps- Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, WisconsinEastern Canada - Québec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, NewfoundlandCentral Canada Summer Camps- Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan Tristate area Summer Camps- New Jersey, New York, PennsylvaniaSoutheast Region Summer Camps- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, TennesseeSouth Central Region- Summer Camps in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, TexasMid-Atlantic Region Summer Camps- Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West VirginiaWestern Canada Summer Camps- Alberta, British Columbia,  Northwest Territories, Yukon TerritorySouthwest Region and Hawaii Summer Camps- Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New MexicoNorthwest Region Summer Camps- Alaska, Oregon, WashingtonNew England Summer Camps- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, VermontMountain area Summer Camps- Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, WyomingMidwest Region Summer Camps- Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, WisconsinEastern Canada - Québec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, NewfoundlandCentral Canada Summer Camps- Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan