A Spiritually Rich Experience
As a parent, are you searching for an experience that is far more spiritually rich than a traditional summer camp? Do you wish for a setting that is safe, fun, wholesome, and one that will also help your children grow in their walk with God? Then consider sending your children to a Christian Summer Camp. Attending one could end up being a life-changing experience for your kids.
Kids are constantly hearing messages from everyone around them about who they should be or need to be, and sadly, in many cases, these messages (and the messengers) are anything but positive. Wouldn’t it be awesome if your kids could get away from home to find out how God feels about them? What He thinks about them?
Benefits of a Christian Summer Program
Getting your kids away for a week or two from all the pressure most kids are under will do wonders. You might have a hard time recognizing them when they get home! And, of course, having the opportunity to hear the great news of God’s amazing love for us is good for everybody.
Camp can be an absolute blast. Hiking, singing, canoeing, sailing, and goofing off with fellow campers are all part of the great activities your kids will remember for a lifetime. Many kids end up treasuring the friendships they make with other kids for the rest of their lives! Most camp counseling staff are college-age, and kids really look up to them. Your children can be influenced in some very special ways.
One of the Best Weeks of Your Child's Life
What would it feel like if your kids said their week at camp was one of the best weeks of their lives? What if they came home and told you that the experience actually changed their life? For a lot of Christian parents, it probably wouldn’t get much better than that.
So, as you are considering your plans for the summer, find a Christian youth camp you feel will fit your children well. Most can be found close to home and many are quite affordable. You will be glad you did.
To aid you in your search, CampPage provides an expansive listing of summertime programs throughout the United States and Canada.
Mark Dubler has been a leader, host, and participant in camps and retreats for the last twenty years. He holds an M.A. in Educational Ministries from Wheaton College and is the Executive Director of Otyokwah Camp and Retreat Center, a Christian facility with a rich history of providing personal, life-changing experiences.